Sunday, March 11, 2012

Brussel Sprouts With Quinoa

This is Day 3 of the competition/challenge & I have had ice cream every day so far but I am not eating heaping bowlfuls of ice cream.  I have managed to limit myself to no more than 2 small scoops of ice cream per day - the two scoops add up to about one child size portion.  I am quite proud of myself for being able to limit myself as I have always grown up in a household where each person eats from a cereal bowl full of ice cream in one sitting.  I must say, I sure do love my dairy!  

As you can see, I have not gone all health nut crazy with this challenge.  I strongly believe that it one cannot deprive your body of food that it wants otherwise when you do finally eat it, you will gorge on it & before you know it the entire 10oz bag of pretzel M&Ms is in your belly.  So I have not been depriving myself from cravings.  Instead, I am teaching myself to get into the habit of smaller portions of my less healthy choices.  A perfect example for me is dairy.  I also happen to love cheese & have a tub of fresh mozzarella balls right now so I decided to incorporate a small amount into the quinoa lunch I have made for tomorrow.  It looks & tastes so yummy!  

Brussel Sprouts with Quinoa

1/2 cup quinoa
1 cup water 
1 tb olive oil
1 cup brussel sprouts, quartered
1 cup celery, chopped
1 cup mushrooms, chopped
1 cup grape tomatoes
1/4 cup mozzarella balls, quartered
1 cup onion, chopped 
3 stalks green onion, chopped
Salt & pepper to taste
- Cook quinoa & water in a small pot on low heat until water soaks into the quinoa & appears translucent.
- Heat olive oil in a large pan on medium heat.
- Saute brussel sprouts & onion in the pan until the onion is translucent.
- Add remaining vegetables & quinoa into the pan & mix together until mushrooms are thoroughly cooked.
- Add salt & pepper to taste.
- Turn heat off & let it cool for 10 minutes before adding the mozzarella in.



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